Roughly half the work done by UniDoc is comprised of translation, and we have decided to use this page to start a new approach to our translation systems.
As you know, there will never be a universal set of rules which you can use for every translation job, because every job demands specialized word usages, terms, marking systems, and notation styles. However, there must be a point of reference for translators to start from, or the end product will always have an individual's, not an organization's, style to it. For some jobs, this is desirable, but in order to define the standard by which Highland translations should be done, we have created a set of translation guidelines.
For some time we have tried various ways of providing a set of rules or guidelines for you to reference, but until now, it has been difficult to find a way to provide updates for these rules to everyone at the same time. In response to this problem, we have created downloads of the translation guidelines on this page. In addition, we are posting a document entitled, "Text Substitutions," that contains proper substitutions for common symbols that cannot be saved in text format.