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Freeware is written by programmers who are kind enough to distribute the fruits of their labor without monetary compensation; shareware is not free, and even if not disabled or limited in function, should be paid for. Shareware exists by means of the honor system. Support shareware!
Read the documentation that is included with the software for information on installation, system requirements, license and registration, authoring credits, etc.
Author: Fifth Wave
Homepage: http://www.fifthwave.com/convert.html
Classification: Shareware
Description: Convert is simply the greatest tool available for calculating conversions on the Macintosh. Temperature, Velocity, Time, Mass, Bartending, you name it! Full support of the Mac OS, Drag and Drop, multiple monitors, foreign localizations, non-modal and Balloon help. Over a thousand different conversions possible. Automatically supports U.S. English, French, German and Spanish.
Author: Thorsten Lemke
Homepage: http://www.lemkesoft.de
Classification: Shareware
Description: GraphicConverter converts pictures to different formats. It also contains many useful features for picture manipulation. This is the graphics tool we I use at UniDoc hand in hand with Photoshop. In fact, GraphicConverter does some things that Photoshop just was not designed for. In addition, the author provides excellent documentation in multiple languages.